Thursday, April 8, 2010

Eagle WIP 4

On Monday I thought I would finish this and was hoping to get it to the gallery yet this week. However, my mother became ill and I was with her from Monday evening until last night. I am going back today to teach my class and will visit with her until tomorrow. Time marches on -- I am hoping I can maybe take it to the gallery Saturday, but need to varnish and take a good photo yet, and may not get those things done properly in time.

Thank you for all of the wonderful comments on this piece. I still need to work on the body feathers some more.

See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your mother. I hope she is feeling much better very soon.
    This is one of those beautiful paintings that never has an ugly stage. To my untrained eye it looks perfect even though you say it is unfinished. I know it will just get better and better even though I can hardly comprehend it.



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