Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Mother

I have not been anywhere near the steward to my blog, art and business as I have intended to be over the last few years.  I can say thet I have been much better with stewarding the relationship between me and my mother over the last five years.  For me the relationship I have had with my mother over the last five years has been the most unconflicted mutual relationship and experience of my life.  "One True Thing", though not the same story as the book.  If you feel you know some of me and a little of her, look at her memorial

I did enroll in a painting class, but have a demanding "part time" (ha)  paid job (don't know if I can keep doing it -- know I don't want to) and my camera is malfunctioning.  So this is all I can do here for now.

Thank you for stopping by.  Angela

Monday, January 2, 2012

Hello 2012

When I look at myself and my life in the past and future, I am constantly struck by the need to concentrate on gratitude/thankfulness.  I am thankful for the people in my life that I love and I am thankful to be able to love art and critters so much and have both in my life .  My number one goal for 2012 is to savor every moment the best I can, to constantly redirect myself to the present and what I am greatful for in every moment. (I can be such a worry wart and grudge holder -- often focusing on what I am scared of or resentful of --- this is not a good way to live.)

I am thankful for my family.  Here is a follow-up to "The Way We Were" .  My brothers came to the exhibit dressed as close to the picture as they could be (I did not have the slightest inkling they were doing this, though I was very happy they were planning on coming to the exhibit opening) and insisting we take a picture like the picture, LOL.  I was so warmed by this experience.  Here is a photo from the opening:

I am thankful that I am able to connect with people and finance my art through commissions.  Here are a few commissions I had this year, that did not get posted to my blog.

I so much enjoyed taking a drawing class at Denison University this year.   I felt totally absorbed in the drawing process and also feel I renewed confidence with drawing from life and various media within myself.   Here is a little bit more of the 100 drawings project I mentioned in a previous post:

I did a 100 page flipbook which is on the stool on the right, but I would have to video it to have it make any sense.

I may post a few more drawings from class, in the future.  Also, I am planning on taking a painting course from the same instuctor during winter semester.

I have already started a series of drawings looking out at my pasture from the back of my house and I will post one of these in a day or two (some troubles with my camera and must wait for sun).

I have a commission on my drawing board (which I can't post until it is gifted) and I am focusing on gratitude.

Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!


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