Thursday, May 6, 2010

Kitties Come in the Spring

A very wild female calico has been eating the food in the garage that is used to feed our two barn cats that Slim has been chasing out of the barn. In the last week or two, have gotten a gilimpse of the three surprises (not really -- could have laid money on it as soon as I realized she was a female) she has provided. Could only capture this one and the back of one other in a picture for today's post. There is this orange, the one with its back in the picture looks like a black tiger, but maybe with tan instead of white with the stripes and an orange and white one. Mommy growls alot when I try to talk to or look at the kiddies. Thinking about trapping them to find homes, but haven't taken action yet. Slim may have to go too, as he just is too mean to the other cats. Difficult decisions and tasks in this cat overpopulated world.

Started another picture, horses, this time, though planning another eagle, too. Still working on the preliminary drawing. Off to teach and be with mom until tomorrow. Hope to have a good art day on Saturday, will post WIP then.

Have a good rest of the week and a wonderful weekend. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Very cute! Yup I'd catch em soon if your hoping to find homes. All of my barn cats are extremely tame at this point. But I know if the mamma is wild the kittens go that way quick.

    Cute little face for sure. I know we've got a batch somewhere but have yet to see them.

  2. Thanks for the advice, Mona. I look forward to hearing about your brood.



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